WowYow Responds to Advertisers' and Publishers' Concerns About the Cookie Depreciation
The Cookie Apocalypse is coming, and Google's recent cookie depreciation initiative has set off a whirlwind of concerns. An article (We need an ad exchange for identity’: Overheard at the Digiday Programmatic Marketing Summit) from Digiday, written by Tim Peterson and Sara Jerde, relays specific concerns that advertisers and publishers are facing. As a growing tech leader, WowYow has responded to these concerns and has several solutions to the cookie plague.
There's a lot of stress in the digital media landscape, as publishers and advertisers scramble to find 1st party data solutions before Google's cookie depreciation hits hard.
WowYow has used contextual data from its inception. So if you're looking for a reliable data solution, we've got your back. We've been preparing for the cookie erasure for years. This may be new for advertisers and publishers, but it's not new for us. We've made cookieless tech more accessible, affordable, and scalable than other, newer solutions in the marketplace.
The key to this is finding a reliable ad exchange that has plenty of publishers and advertisers and equitable services for small and large companies.
If you're looking for an ad exchange, try WowYow's Contextual Exchange. We have a wide range of publishers and advertisers that creates a diverse ecosystem for users to buy/sell media. Our exchange streamlines advertising processes, combining both an SSP and DSP in one platform that work harmoniously with each other. Plus, we can automate your services or you can customize your preferences easily.
Even though privacy laws are slowly rising through the legislative system, WowYow has always prioritized the privacy of user information AND the relevancy of ads.
From the beginning, WowYow has been part of the cookieless crusade. We actively inform the community about the changing laws and media landscape.
While we don't have a direct effect in legislative decisions, we take responsibility, as a growing tech leader, to forecast regulations and apply them to our solutions periodically.
The simple answer is "yes." Believe it or not, there are solutions out there that are affordable AND effective.
WowYow's mission is to make AI accessible and affordable for all. Therefore, we stand out from the big guys that gatekeep expensive, personalized technology.
The immediate concern when considering cookie alternatives is, "How are we going to create ads that will resonate with an individual if we don't have 3rd party data?" The truth is, you CAN personalize ads for audiences using contextual data. At WowYow, we find that contextual data is proven to be more effective because it relates to a particular user in real time.
Say it louder for the people in the back: "CONTEXTUAL DATA." Users shouldn't have to give up private information just to access content that was meant to be shared with the public.
Like the IAB, WowYow has long stressed the importance of being proactive in finding data alternatives in order to avoid issues, such as this. With WowYow's contextual advertising solutions, you won't need 3rd party data.
The industry needs to let go of the idea that private data is essential for survival because it's not. It's just what we're used to.